gallery > Melanin Femlin

Melanin Femlin
“The Time is Now!” Signed and numbered edition of 50 printed on 100% cotton Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultra Smooth 143lb paper
archival digital print

In 1972, when Michel Foucault was asked, “Do you know of a model prison?,” he responded:

The problem is not a model prison or the abolition of prisons. Currently, in our system, marginalization is effected by prisons. This marginalization will not automatically disappear by abolishing the prison. Society would quite simply institute another means. The problem is the following: to offer a critique of the system that explains the process by which contemporary society pushes a portion of the population to the margins. Voilà.”

The systematic oppression of POCis the eternal prison. To be marginalized is no longer acceptable. The time to rise up is NOW!